2ȸ ̻ Ʈ ϸ 캸 ٴ Դ.
谡 и 缺 , 80% ѡ̶ Ҹ. ũⰡ ũ ȭ ܼ ɼ , ӵ Ư 50 ̻ ȴ.
̱ Ǵ 88,349( 63%) Ʈ (1986~2012) ߴ. Ʈ Ľ Ÿ 4⸶ ڼ ߴ. Ⱓ 峻ð ˻翡 5,811 8,116Լ ߰ߵƴ.
, Ʈ Ͽ 2ȸ ̻ 19%, ɼ 26% ƴ. Ư¡ ε巯, Ʈ ü Ÿ.
̹ Ȯ ľϱ ƴ١鼭 Ʈ ٽǷ Ұ(Lactobacillus bulgaricus) ƮĿ ʷ(Streptococcus thermophiles) ƮθŸ(nitroreductase) ϴ ̰, 峻 굵 ͱ ϰ, ۿ ϱ δ١ .
̹ Yogurt consumption and risk of conventional and serrated precursors of colorectal cancer м Gut Ƿ, MEDPAGETODAY, Sciencedaily ܽ ߴ.
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