ŭ ȿɵ پ Ÿ' 츮 ˰ ٻ ε ̴ ذ (߾Ӿ౹) Բ Ÿ ̵带 óѴ. ̴ Ÿκ(VITAMIN+BIBLE) Բ Ÿο ڼ ˾ƺ.
þ ϸ ġ(Elie Metchnikoff) ó ߰ߵǾ. پ ȿ Ǿ ǥ ǰ Ŵ̷ ڸűϰ ִ. п ߿ پ ǰɽǰ Ѵ. Һڷμ ο ´ ǰ ִٴ , ǰ ϱ ƴٴ иϴ. ̿ ̴ ذ 簡 ǰ ̵ ߴ.
ȸ Ȯ
ǰ ϱ ؼ Ḧ IJ 캸ƾ Ѵ. 켱 迡 ŷ ִ ȸδ ũ ũî Ѽ(Christian Hansen), ̱ -ٴϽ(Dupont-Danisco), ij μ(Lallemand Rosell) ִ. 3 ȸ Ҹ ȸ Ȱ Ȱ ü ӻ ٰŷ پ ִ ָ ü ϰ ִ. ǰ ȸ Ḧ ǰ Ѵٸ, ɰ ؼ ǽ ʾƵ ȴ. ̸ ܿξ ǰ ū ȴ. 迡 ŷڹ ٽǷ 뼭 GG(Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, LGG)̴. LGG ȿɰ 1,000 , ü ӻ ϵ Ѵ ִ. Ư ֱٿ LGG ڷγ ġῡ ִٴ ǥǸ鼭 αⰡ õ ö Ͻ Ҿ ߴ. ̷ ְ ǰ ռ پ ȿ ִ.
ָ ǰ
(Genus), (Species), (Strain) зѴ. ǰ ã´ٸ (Strain) Ȯϰ ǰ ϸ ȴ. Ϲ Ӱ Դٰ ָ 꼺, , 强 ȿҿ (Tolerance to acid, bile, pancreatin), (Shelf stability), 峻 Ǵ Ǽ (Adherence to mucus or to epithelial cells), ȿ Ȱ(Enzymatic activity), Ǵ (Antibiotic resistance or ability to produce antimicrobial compounds) ȿ ٸ ̴ ӻ 迡 ǰ ִ. ߱ б(Inner Mongolia Agricultural University) տ Ǵ ٽǷ ۸(Lactobacillus fermentum)̶ ȿ ˻ , ӿ 90 4% ο ִ Ÿ, ֵ ̳ ϳ ִ .̷ ϴ Mannose-specific ȣȭ ָ ٸ ȿ Ư̼(Strain specificity) ٸ ̴. ̿ սķⱸ(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO) 躸DZⱸ(World Health Organization, WHO) Բ ۼ ǰ ̵ ο 'ǰ ǥ⸦ ǰѴ'ٰ ξ.
= ̴ ذ