:   ٸ μ밨 ̷ ߻...߱ ߰ߵ Ĺ̷
ֱ 躸DZⱸ(World Health Organzation, WHO) ̱ ߽ Ȯǰ ִ â(Monkeypox) ¸ 7° ߺǺ (Public Health Emergency of International Concern, PHEIC) , ߱ ٸ μ밨 ̷ ߰ߵǾ ū ִ.

ο μ밨 ̷ ߻ߴ٤ó: Ƽ ̹ũ

߱ ¡ ̻ ິ (Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology) ̰ ũ- п(Duke-National University of Singapore Medical School) 4 ױ۷ο޵(The New England Journal of Medicine) ǥߴ. 2018 12 2021 8 ߱ ռ 㳭 ϸ Ĺ̷(The Langya henipavirus) Ҹ Ĺ̷ ʰ 38 ߻ߴٰ Ѵ. ü Ĺ̷ 38 26 ٸ Ĺ̷ Ǿٰ ߴ. 26 ڵ (100%), Ƿ(54%), ħ(50%), Ŀ(50%), (46%), ޽(38%), (35%), (35%) ַ . Ҿ (54%), (35%), (35%), (8%) ߰ Ÿ. ߱ 븸 (Taiwan Centers for Disease Control, CDC) "̹ Ӱ Ĺ̷ ʴ Ȯε ʾҴ" ϸ, "࿡ ̷ û ˻縦 ǽ ü ǥ Ҵ 2%Լ ۹̷ ߰ߵǾ, 5%Լ ߰ߵǾ" ߴ.븸 "߰ 25 ߻Լ û ˻縦 ǽߴµ, ˻縦 ߴ 27% 㿡Լ ̷ Ǿ" ̸, 㰡 ̷ õ ɼ ߴ. 븸 濪籹 " Ĺ̷ 븸 ʵ, ߰ϰ ˿ ý "̶ ǥߴ. , ߴ ũ- п ո(Lin-Fa Wang) " ʸ ߾ ̷ ġ̰ų ɰ ƴϴ" ϸ, " ٸ μ밨 ̷ 忡 ɺ ϰ Ȳ 캸 踦 ñ" ߴ.


Ĺ̷(Henipavirus) ƽþơ ߻ϴ ̷. 1994 ȣֿ ߰ߵǾ ټ ڸ Ҵ μ밨 ̷ ̷(Hendra virus) 1998 ̽þ ε ̿ ߰ߵ Ĺ̷(Nipah virus) ĶͼҺ񸮵(Paramyxoviridae family) Ѵ. ˷ ٿ ̷ Ĺ̷ õ ִ Ӱ Ϲ̸ ġ 40~75% Ѵ.2014 ʸ Ĺ̷ ȮεǾµ, ̷ Ǿ ټ Ǿ. Ȳ ̱ (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC) 캸 Ҵ.

: , ...索 ִµ Ծ ɱ?
: ҹ vs Ƣ...翡 ũ ִ ?